Tuesday, October 21, 2008

day 295

This e-mail was sent to all the staff at work today. Does this really need to be said? Really?


Happy The Man said...

This is one of my favorite Dilbert comic strips (sorry, no graphic for this comment):

Boss: Due to budget constraints, the company will no longer provide free soda.

Dilbert: What free soda? We never had free soda.

Boss: Sure we did. It was in the refrigerator in the break room. Every day I'd go in there and get a refreshing beverage. The next morning, as if by magic, the soda would be replenished.

Dilbert's colleague: I brought a soda to work every day for five years only to have it stolen from the refrigerator every time.

Boss: (after a pause) Why didn't you just drink the free ones?

Dyana365 said...

this looks like something from an episode of the office..however, i think they would have had more fun with it.