Friday, September 19, 2008

day 263

This e-mail I received this morning has REALLY messed up my next two weeks. I leave for hurricane CAT duty tomorrow morning (plane leaves at 6:30). Don't expect any postings for the next few weeks... I'll be taking pictures, but I don't know if I'll be able to post. UGH!!!


Debbie said...

holy cow! have fun and be safe. i cannot wait to see your pictures when you get back.

Dyana365 said...

I'm so hoping that the damage isn't that bad and you get an early release..maybe that's wishful thinking, but I'm still going to think it.

Tanya said...

Yes, please hurry back! Young Women isn't the same without you...
By the way, the fireside went great tonight. Bishop was great and Terah did a great job putting it all together. Now, on to basketball. Woo hoo!

Rheads said...

I am so crossing my fingers(and toes)! Vegas won't be the same without YOU!!!