Tuesday, September 9, 2008

day 253

Had to go to Walnut Creek for work this week. This was inside the stall in the women's restroom. Actually, the stall was graced with not one, but TWO of these nicely laminated reminders. Mind you, this is in an office that employs adults. One would think a reminder wouldn't be necessary... perhaps not?


Happy The Man said...

They have them in the men's stalls at my place of employment too. Not nice laminated ones, just laser-printed paper ones.

I could write a novel about this topic and how they had to turn the badge readers on not to prevent homeless people from using them but to try to isolate bathroom etiquette violators.

We have a lot of foreigners here and my initial thoughts having lived in South America was that perhaps some country's customs and/or bathroom appliances are just too different. But then I witnessed some good ole American bred co-workers doing things that my mommy taught me never to do, so I stand corrected...

Dyana365 said...

I think i should send this to my in-laws who don't really like us to "rush to flush" or flush at all for the matter. if its yellow let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down..i just know that if i put these up on my toilets, it would be as ignored as I am.