Monday, May 26, 2008

day 147

Kevin hates, hates, hates it when I take pictures of him. I snuck this one... peeping through the blinds while he was working in the yard.


Happy The Man said...

Picking up dog crap, eh? And that's why I don't want a dog!

Theresa said...

No, not picking up dog crap. Cleaning up the old weeds, old bark, and old dirt from the front yard.

So, GET A DOG! You've got kids to pick up the crap.

Happy The Man said...

Right, again, that's exactly why I don't have a dog. Kid's don't like crap any more than I do. They say they'll clean it up but when push comes to shove, it will sit out there and guess who will be stepping in it?

Besides, I get all my dog joy out of looking at your wrinkled headed Zoey pictures, what do I need a dog for?